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Joystickkontrollerade bilar för gravt funktionshindrade förare

1 Introduction

 Active Front Steering (AFS) systems have been introduced to improve handling stability under adverse road conditions. In contrast to a conventional steering system, the mechanical linkage between the steering wheel and the front wheels of an AFS system is complemented by an extra angle augment motor. Therefore, a small auxiliary front wheel angle, in addition to the steering angle imposed by the driver, can be applied to stabilize the vehicle besides improving vehicle steering responses and avoiding critical handling situations. Yet, the driver can still receive information about road friction and vehicle stability directly through the mechanical linkage without the additional control as in the steer-by-wire (SBW) systems. Additionally to the enhanced dynamic behavior of the steering system and vehicle stabilization, the AFS system should also provide an improved steering comfort by reducing steering effort [1]. Therefore, the torque assistance is required to limit manual forces to a reasonable level. The existing AFS system used the commercially available hydraulic power assisted steering system with which the oil volumetric flow should be adapted to the output requirements. Then an additional flow control valve was usually used resulting in a complex control concept

This new developed AFS is based on a column electric power steering system (C-EPS). Therefore, the construction can vary the steering ratio by superimposing steering angle and alleviate the steering torque requirement to the driver by the EPS actuator. The actuator can provide directional control to the vehicle drive and reduce the engine load in contrast to the hydraulic power assisted AFS system. Furthermore, complex hydraulic system and hydraulic delay can be eliminated. Therefore, two motors are included in the AFS system. One provides augment of the steering wheel angle, while another in the EPS system provides the torque assistance. The goal of this paper is to develop an AFS controller, which not only helps ensure the vehicle’s response operability matching the driver’s sense, but also helps prevent the vehicle from falling into an unstable state. Most stability researches used only the yaw rate to improve the vehicle handling stability due to the difficulties associated with the sideslip angle measurement [3, 4]. Theoretically, the lateral motion of the vehicle is described by yaw rate and sideslip angle. In addition, the sideslip angle control can compensate the path deviation occurring from the yaw rate control. Therefore, the sideslip angle will be estimated and used to this AFS system control together with the yaw rate.

To achieve better vehicle stability, the state parameters of driving vehicle should be fed back. The linear quadratic regulators (LQR) can be used to find a suitable state feedback and optimize the control. LQR has been widely used due to its simple math disposal process and achieved optimal control of the closed loop. However, LQR design provides the optimal gain, which is a function of the system matrices. Unfortunately, some parameter uncertainties exist in the vehicle system, and result in model inaccuracy. Therefore, although some inherent robustness properties exist, the classical LQR controller is not robust enough to system uncertainties and cannot guarantee the stability of the actual system [5]. Therefore, the classical LQR control should be modified to overcome the limitations. The uncertainties appearing in the problem under consideration include unmodeled dynamics, parameter perturbations and external disturbance [6]. As has been introduced in the literature of L. Gianone, an active 4WS system was designed with physical uncertainties. However, the system they designed was only for the rear tyre stiffness uncertainty that simply affected the state matrix A . It is inadequate to the front wheel steering vehicle, especially the AFS vehicle. Therefore, LQR controller designed here proposed a matrix R with parameter uncertainties and applied it to the AFS control system. The paper is organized as follows. Firstly, the structure and modelling of the developed AFS system is described. Then the control system including the EPS actuator and AFS actuator is designed based on the models in section 3. In section 4, details of the AFS control has been presented. To evaluate the designed controller, a hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) system is described in section 5 and HILS tests are finally conducted in section 6. Conclusions of this paper are summarized in section 7. 

2 Structure and modeling of an AFS system 

The AFS system we developed is based on a column electric power steering system (C-EPS). Therefore, two motors are included, as illustrated in Fig.1: one in the original EPS system provides the power assistance to limit manual forces to a reasonable level, whereas the permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) provides augment of the steering wheel angle. Therefore, the system can be divided into two parts: EPS actuator and AFS actuator. 

2.1 EPS actuator 

A DC motor is used as EPS actuator to provide the assistant torque for its maximum torque per given current and controllable torque. The electric equation for a DC motor is [7]: dcdc dcE dc δ & =+ uKiR (1) where Rdc is the armature resistance, KE the armature back emf constant, dc i the DC motor current, udc the motor terminal voltage, δ dc the angular position of the motor shaft. The assistant torque of the EPS actuator is applied to the steering system by a worm and worm wheel. The dynamics of the DC motor then can be given by: dcdc dcdc cddcdc dcT δδδδ )( =−++ iKGKBJ &&& (2) where dc J , Bdc , Kdc are the inertia moment, damping coefficient, torsional stiffness of the DC column, respectively; KT is the motor torque constant, δ c the steering wheel angle, Gd the gear ratio of the DC motor to the steering column. 

2.2 AFS actuator

 A PMSM is used as AFS actuator to provide the assistant angle for its precise motor positioning control as well as fast ratio change to the target one. The PMSM model can be described with simplification and Park’s transformation [8]: )()()( 2 3 ′ q )( −= δλ mm q +− q tutRitNtiL & & (3) where L′ is the stator inductance, N the number of poles, qi the current of q -component, uq the stator voltage of q -component, δ m the PMSM steering angle, λ m the magnitude of the flux created by the permanent magnets, R the armature resistance. The torque produced by the PMSM can be expressed with simplification as: 
T (4) The augmentation steering angle of the AFS actuator is applied to the steering column through a planetary gear mechanism, as shown in Fig.2. The planetary gear mechanism makes it easy to realize the variable steering ratio (VSR) and produce superimposed steering angle.

where si is the gear ratio of the steering column to sun wheel of the planetary gear set, mi the gear ratio of PMSM to the ring of the planetary gear set, Gh the gear ratio of worm-to-worm wheel, δ s the superimposed angle of the steering column. The PMSM dynamics can be described as [9]: 2 2 2 2 ( ) () ) )(( m p mhm pmh sc c s mhm mh sc mm mh sc mmmm Tp r iGK riG iK i iGK iG iK K iG iK BJ −−+ = δδ ++ δ +++ δ &&& (6) where m J , Bm , K m are the inertia moment, damping coefficient, torsional stiffness of PMSM column, respectively; Kc the torsional stiffness of steering column, p the displacement of the rack and tie rod, p r the radius of the pinion.

2.3 Steering mechanics 

Steering mechanics are also included in the system, such as steering column, rack and tie rod. The dynamic equations for the steering system besides the EPS and AFS actuator can be expressed as [9]: d ps mhm p sc m s mhm mh sc dcddccm s mh dcdccccc Tp ri iGK r iK i iGK iG iK GKK i iG KGKBJ

where c J , w J are the inertia moment of the steering column, the front wheels, respectively; Kt , Kw the torsional stiffness of the steering rack and tie rod, the front wheels, respectively; Bc , Br , Bw the damping coefficient of steering column, rack and tie rod, front wheels; δ f the steering angle of the front wheels, mr the mass of the rack and tie rod, k l the length of the steering knuckle arm, Td the torque provided by the driver, M z the resistance moment of the front wheels.

Equation (7) describes the dynamic motion of the steering column; Equation (8) represents the dynamics of the rack and the tie rod. Equation (9) describes the dynamics of the front wheels. In Equation (9), the resistance moment of the front wheels are depend on the longitudinal velocity. When the vehicle is driven, with small sideslip angle assumption of a linear vehicle model, the resistance moment of the front wheels can be simplified as: ( )f x afz v a dKM −+= δγβ (10) where Kaf is the cornering coefficient of the front wheels, d the pneumatic trail of the front wheels, γ the yaw rate of vehicle, β the sideslip angle of vehicle, x v the longitudinal velocity, a the distance from gravity center to front axle. When a vehicle moves slowly on dry asphalt and changes direction, a large amount of steering torque is required due to the road load on the tyres. The tyres roll and change their directions simultaneously [10]. The maximum resistance moment determining the directional angle of front wheel can be expressed as [11]: P G M z 3 1 3 μ= (11) where μ is the friction coefficient between the tyre and the road, G1 the load of the front wheels, P the pressure of the tyres. Express the AFS actuator model in state-space

3 Control system configurations

 EPS control unit and AFS control unit are included in the AFS system, as shown

The EPS control unit can realize the reduction of steering torque exerted by a driver; while AFS control unit provides the steering angle augment for vehicle safety and stability. Therefore, the augment angle control and reference track control are covered in the AFS control unit.

3.1 EPS control unit

The main functions of the EPS actuator are reduction of steering torque and improvement of return-to-center performance. These two functions are not required to activate at the same time. A proper amount of assist torque should be provided to reduce the driver’s steering torque during cornering, and to return the steering wheel to the original position smoothly without overshoot and subsequent oscillation of the vehicle right after reentering a straight-line road [7]. The EPS control can optimize steering effort characteristic for driver by varying a quantity of assistant torque depending on various vehicletraveling situations, as shown in Fig.4. The target current of the motor ri is determined based on the driving conditions to reduce the steering torque requirement. The actual current ai is generated through the dynamics of the DC motor and the steering column, and measured by the current detecting unit. Then the controller calculates the control signal to minimize the error te )( between ri and ai . Fi

3.2 AFS control unit 

In order to control the AFS unit considering the VSR (variable steering ratio) and vehicle stability, a main-loop control and an inner-loop control are included in the controller, as shown in Fig.5. 

In the inner-loop control, a PI controller is design to track the target angle of the front wheel δ fd with a potentiometer measuring the displacement of the steering knuckle arm. In addition, the target angle of the front wheel is determined in the main-loop control by both the feedforward and feedback control. The feedforward control determines the front wheel angle according the desired VSR and the steering wheel angle. The stability parameters are utilized in the feedback. Then the target angle can be determined in the main-loop control by the feedforward and feedback control.

4 Details of AFS main-loop control 

In the main-loop control, different compensation will be applied to the front wheels to achieve desired state variables according to vehicle system dynamics. Therefore, a reference model is then established firstly.   

where δ f is the steering angle controlled by the driver steering command and the variable steering ratio r , r cf = δδ / ; m the vehicle mass, z I the vehicle moment of inertia; a , b are the distance from the gravity center to the front and rear axle, respectively; Kaf , Kar the cornering coefficient of the front and rear wheels, respectively.

    This model represents the vehicle dynamic behavior in the linear range. Suppose the vehicle turns a constant radius circle of neutral steer, the target responses can be obtained: 

Then the feedback control can regulate the compensating angle with reference values: fb = Ku γ d + Kβ ββγγ d )-()-( (16) where fb u is the feedback compensation voltage of the PMSM; KK βγ , are the feedback coefficient of γ and β , respectively. To implement the feedback control scheme, accurate information on both sideslip angle and yaw rate are required. The sideslip angle can control the vehicle path deviation occurring from the conventional yaw rate control. The yaw rate can be measured with a gyroscope, while sideslip measurement requires expensive sensors. Therefore, estimation can serve as an option. The sideslip angle estimation using lateral acceleration signal, which has been tested by Yoshifumi Aoki, was applied. According to the 2DOF model, the vehicle lateral acceleration y a can be expressed as: ) 2)(2)(2( )( 2 f x af x af ar x araf x xy mv K mv bKaK mv KK v va β δγ γβ − − + + = += & (17) Then, with the measurable signals y a andγ , the

where 11 h , 12 h are the gains of estimation. A particular h12 can be chosen to keep the observer robust and estimate the sideslip angle exactly [14]. Thus, the sideslip angle can be fed back to the AFS control. The feedback gain KK βγ , in Equation (16) can be determined by linear quadratic regulator (LQR).

4.2 LQR control 

LQR can be used to find a control vector u to minimize the cost function J for its good stability and robustness properties [6]. The cost function J of the AFS control takes the form: J dt t ( ) 0 T 0 0 T = + uRueQe ∫ (19) where ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ − − ⎥ = ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ = d d e e γγ ββ 2 1 e , u is the control input, Q0 and R0 are the weighting matrices of e and u . Minimizing the cost function J , an optimized feedback control input can be obtained: (t) (t) 1 T lqr 0 0 xPBRxKu* − −=−= (20) where P0 is the result of the Riccati equation 0 00 1 T 000 T 0 −+ =+ − QPBBRPPAAP . LQR provides the optimized feedback gain with the function of system matrices A and B . And the system uncertainties have not been dealt with in the linear time-invariant nominal model. However, many factors, such as inflation pressure, normal load, nonlinearity, affect vehicle parameters [14]. As a result, the system will not perform optimally. Although some inherent robustness properties exist; the classical LQR controller is not robust enough to system uncertainties and cannot guarantee the stability of the actual system [15].Therefore, the controller should be modified with regard to parameter uncertainties of the vehicle. The tire parameters represent the most important source of uncertainties in the vehicles models [16]. The tire cornering stiffness uncertainties can be represented by a linear function with a bounded uncertainty [13]. ⎪⎩ ⎪ ⎨ ⎧ += ≤ += ≤ 1)1( 1)1( 2 2 * 1 1 * δδσ δδσ α α α α r r r f f f KK KK (21) where σ f , σ r are the positive scaling factors reflecting the magnitude of the deviation from the normal values Kαf and Kαr . Consider a general state equation including external disturbance: wBuBAxx 1 ++= 2 

where u and w are the control input and external lateral disturb forces, respectively. Then the uncertain linear system can be described in the following way with the parameter variations: [(t)(t)][(t) (t)] (t) & += ΔAAx 1 ++ ΔBBx 1 + 2wBu(t) (23) where 21 ,, BBA are normal matrices that describe the system, ΔA(t) , (t) ΔB1 are perturbed matrices representing time-varying parameter uncertainties. ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ − + − + − = xz af ar z af ar x af ar x af ar vI KbKa I bKaK mv bKaK mv KK (2 (2) ) 1 (2)(2 ) 2 2 2 A , ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ − + + − = xz faf rar z faf rar x faf rar x faf rar vI KbKa I aK bK mv aK bK mv KK (2 (2) ) (2 (2) ) 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 δσδσ δσδσ δσδσ δσδσ ΔA ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ − − = z af x af I aK mv K 2 2 B1 , ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ = z w x I l mv 1 B2 , ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ − − = ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ − − = z af x af f z faf x faf I aK mv K I aK mv K 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 δσ δσ δσ ΔB Taking account of the uncertainties into the LQR control design of the normal system, the Riccati equation and cost function will be extended. The Riccati equation takes the following form: (1 δσ ) 0 A 0 T 1 1 01 2 1f T 22 T T +− =+ ++++ − QPBRPB PBPB φ 1 PAPA Δ ΔAP P 2 (24) To keep the system robust, P should be constrained as: )1( 0 1 T 0 2 1 T 2 22 T T ++ ≥ −Δ−Δ−−− − PBPBR PBPB φ 1 PAAPPAPA f δσ (25) Decompose (t)(t), ΔA ΔB1 and define the matrices with , NL as follows: T ΔA = LN (26) Then the sufficient condition for (25) can be expressed as: 0

5 HILS system 

design To evaluate the designed controller, some real-time simulations are performed with the designed steering equipment for the AFS system. The hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) integrates the actual ECU and its peripheral hardware with the virtual vehicle model, forming a closed loop to be simulated in real time [17].

5.1 HILS system 

Fig.7 shows the experimental equipment which is made from an AFS unit with a reactive module. The HILS system consists of three parts: the hardware which includes steering system mechanics, ECU, motor, data acquisition card, sensors, PCs; the software part which includes the nonlinear vehicle model in MATLAB, the AFS control logics, and post-processing module; and interface part which links the hardware and software parts.  

In the HILS system, both the steering angles of the driver and the assist motor are applied to move the steering linkages, whose displacement is measured by the sensor. With the sensor signal, the vehicle model resides in the PC is computed, then yaw rate and sideslip angle signals are sent back to the ECU as the feedback. Thus, the desired assist angle can be obtained to control the motor.

5.2 Nonlinear vehicle model
In the HILS system, a two-track nonlinear vehicle model, which has been validated against test data in our previous study, is presented to simulate and evaluate the proposed AFS controller. The model is derived through neglecting heave, roll and pitch motions, as in Fig.8 [18]. The longitudinal direction is ignored because only the lateral stability is of interest in this study. However, the extra moment produced by the unbalanced longitudinal forces is covered in the model according with the crosswind.  

The equations of lateral and yaw motions for the vehicle model are derived:

where FFFF lrrlrllfrlfl ,,, ( Fli ) are the longitudinal forces on the front left, front right, rear left, rear right tyres, respectively; FFFF srrsrlsfrsfl ,,, ( Fsi ) the lateral forces on the front left, front right, rear left, rear right tyres; y v the lateral velocity; W the track width, Fw the crosswind force, wl the distance from the gravity centre to the action point of crosswind force.

The cornering stiffness uncertainty is considered using the nonlinear tyre model. As in the vehicle model, the tyre force of each wheel can be computed by the tyre model. In order to simulate the performance of the tyres, the nonlinear Dugoff model is employed [19]. The simplified model is denoted as [20, 21]:

The instantaneous vertical load Fzi is the sum of the static tyre load and load transfer. In addition, the load transfer is caused by longitudinal and lateral acceleration. Then the vertical load for each wheel can be expressed as [22]: ) )(2 ( )(2 1 b W mv h hvmmgb ba F x zfl x + γβ +− + = & & (33a) ) )(2 ( )(2 1 b W mv h hvmmgb ba F x zfr x + γβ −− + = & & (33b) ) )(2 ( )(2 1 a W mv h hvmmga ba F x zrl x + γβ ++ + = & & (33c) ) )(2 ( )(2 1 a W mv h hvmmga ba F x zrr x + γβ −+ + = & & (33d) As the friction coefficient μ is an important parameter of cornering stiffness and necessary in the AFS control, it is assumed that this parameter is known, or can be estimated by other means [21, 23].

6 Simulation results

The performance of the designed AFS controller is tested in the HILS system and compared with the conventional vehicle without AFS control. The lateral acceleration, which has been utilized to the sideslip estimation, is used in the result comparison instead of sideslip angle.  

6.1 Torque assistant maneuver 

In Fig.9, a sine wave steering is inputted at the speed of 60 km/h where the required VSR is the same as the ratio of mechanical system. (a) plots the steering torque versus steering wheel angle of the AFS controlled vehicle and the conventional vehicle without AFS. (b), (c) are the lateral acceleration and yaw rate responses, respectively. It can be seen that, in order to track the similar yaw rate and lateral acceleration, the steering torque provided by the driver is reduced by the torque compensation in active steering operation. Therefore, the effectiveness of torque compensation by EPS actuator is confirmed. 






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